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be reached: the "point of the Vital Elixir", the "Seminal Pearl", is born, thus forming the
Golden Embryo or puer aeternus which develops and transforms our immortal, spiritual,
The wise author of ANANGARANGA teaches us another very interesting Tantric Asana
that I shall subsequently transcribe:
"Elephant Position: The woman lies down in such a way that her face, breast and belly
touch the bed or rug. The man then approaches her from behind and introduces his virile
member very gently into the vulva, retiring before spasm to avoid ejaculating the semen."
The Purushayita - Banda makes the woman the active element whilst the man stays
passive lying on his back. She positions herself on top of the man grasping the Phallus in
her right hand and introducing it into her Vulva, she then initiates a very slow, delightful,
erotic movement while invoking Kamadeva to help her in the MAITHUNA.
The consecrated woman - the Suvani - knows how to voluntarily clench the sphincter
controlling the Yoni to the maximum, so as to avoid orgasm and the loss of sexual fluid.
(Tantric Initiation teaches this way.)
It is appropriate at this stage to add the following: In the event that an spasm does happen
unexpectedly, the man must prevent seminal ejaculation by instantly withdrawing and
lying on the floor on his back.
In these instances, close the right and left nostrils by sealing them with the forefinger and
thumb of the right hand. Try holding the breath in this way for as long as possible. Send
the nervous current towards the sexual sphincters or escape valves with the aim of
preventing spilling the Vessel of Hermes. Imagine that the seminal energy ascends
through Ida and Pingala up to the brain.
The Tantric ASANAS taught by the great Initiates in the sacred land of the Ganges are
marvellous for the SAHAJA MAITHUNA.
Chemical intercourse, metaphysical copulation of the Tantra Initiation is truly
In those moments of unquestionable heavenly delight, we must entreat our personal
Divine Mother Kundalini - since every person has their own Igneous Serpent - to
eliminate from within us any defect which we have totally understood in all the nooks
and crannies of the mind.
She, the Adorable, grasps the lance of Eros and reduces that Diabolic Ego, which
personifies the understood defect, to ashes.
In this way the Essence will be progressively liberated in keeping with the rate at which
we destroy our Egos.
In this way and by this method the "Seminal Pearl" will develop by the increase in
various percentages of Essence until it transforms into the "Golden Embryo."
Unquestionably, the awakening of the Consciousness evolves marvellously in the
Mystery of the Golden Blossom.
The Golden Embryo entrusts us with Self-Consciousness and Objective Transcendental
The Golden Embryo transforms us into conscious citizens of the superior worlds.
The conquest of the Ultra Mare Vitae or Super-Himinal and Ultra Terrestrial World
would be more than impossible if we commit the error of underestimating women.
The delightful Word of ISIS arises from the deep bosom of all ages awaiting the moment
of its fulfillment.
The ineffable words of the Goddess NEITH have been carved with letters of Gold on the
resplendent walls of the temple of wisdom.
The early religion of Jaina or Jainism, that is to say, the golden, solar quiritaria and
superhuman doctrine of the Jinas is absolutely sexual. This you know.
It is written with burning coals in the Book of Life that during the Golden Age of Lacio
and Liguria, the Divine King Janus or Saturn (I.A.O., BACCHUS, JEHOVAH IOD-
HEVE) ruled wisely over those holy people, all the Aryan tribes, although they were of
very diverse origins and eras.
And so, my God!... How happily Jinas and men lived together in such periods of Ancient
From within the ineffable mystic idyll, commonly called "THE ENCHANTMENT OF
GOOD FRIDAY", we feel from the bottom of our hearts that in our sexual organs there
exists a terribly Divine power which can either liberate or enslave man.
Sexual energy contains within itself the living archetype of authentic Solar Man, which
must take shape within us.
Many suffering souls wish to enter transcendental Monsalvat but unfortunately this is
more than impossible due to the Veil of ISIS or adamic sexual Veil.
In the ineffable bliss of the Jinas paradise, a divine humanity certainly exists which is
invisible to mortals' senses because of their sins and limitations, born of sexual abuse.
It is written with characters of fire in the great Book of Life that in the Jaina or Jina Cross
is miraculously concealed the untold secret of the Great Arcane, the marvellous key of
sexual transmutation.
It is not difficult to comprehend that such a Magic Cross is the same Swastika of the great
Within the delightful ecstasy of the yearning Soul, we can and ought to come into mystic
contact with Janus, the austere and sublime Hierophant of Jina who in the ancient
continent of Mu taught the Science of Jinas.
In the hidden Tibet, two schools exist which mutually combat, I refer clearly to the
Mahayana and Hinayana institutions.
In our next chapter we shall speak about the former of these two Institutions. For now we
shall only concern ourselves with the School of Hinayana.
It is evident that the Hinayana Path is in profound depth, Buddhistic and Christic.
On this mysterious Path we encounter with mystic amazement the faithful guardians of
the Holy Grail or the Initiatory Stone, that is to say, the supreme Religion-Synthesis,
which was the earliest in humanity: the doctrine of Sexual Magic.
Jana, Swana or Jainism is then the doctrine of that ancient God of war and action called
Janus, the Divine Lord of two faces, androgynous transposition of the Egyptian Hermes
and of many other Gods of the Mayan - Quechuan and Aztec Pantheons, whose imposing
and majestically carved sculptures in the living rock can still be seen in Mexico.
The Greco-Roman myth still preserves the memory of the exile of Janus or Jainus in
Italy, because Kronos or Saturn had cast him out of heaven, in other words, the legendary
memory of his descent to Earth as an instructor and guide for humanity in order to give
mankind the primary Natural Religion Jina or Jainism.
Jainism or Jaina is obviously also the marvellous Sino-Tibetan Doctrine of Dan, Ch'an
Tsung, Shuan, Ioan, Huang-Ti or Dhyan-Choan, characteristics of all the esoteric schools
of the Aryan world with its roots in submerged Atlantis.
The Secret Doctrine, the original Jainist Doctrine, is based on the Philosopher's Stone, on
sex, on the Sahaja Maithuna.
Gnostic Doctrine is infinitely superior, much older than Brahmanism itself, it is the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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