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glass that still clung to the wounds. His thick fingers were remarkably delicate as he picked
out the small slivers, wondering at how they came to be there. His mouth continued its explor-
ation, tugging the comforter down enough to expose the ugly wound on her neck, rage filling
him once again at the viciousness of the attack.
"Who did this to you, my Cyn? he murmured softly, not expecting an answer. There would
be time enough for answers after she was healed. And then there would be revenge.
When he'd cleaned her as best he could, he lifted his own wrist to his mouth and sliced it
open. Lowering the bloody arm to her mouth, he whispered directly into her ear.  Drink, lub-
She protested fretfully, until he smeared blood over her lips. Then her tongue came out
automatically to lick it off and she hummed with pleasure, seeking more until her mouth
latched onto his wrist and she began suckling like a newborn babe. Every pull of her mouth
sent ripples of desire through his groin, as if she were sucking his engorged cock rather than
his wrist. He closed his eyes against the sensation.
"Will I become Vampire?"
His eyes opened at the sound of her damaged voice, her pain-clouded eyes staring up at
him.  No, he said gently.  It is not so simple a thing, nor one I would undertake without per-
"Then, why? Her words were slurred; she was already half asleep, groggy from the ef-
fects of ingesting his blood.
"It will help you heal."
"Mmmm, she murmured, giving his wrist a final lick before turning her face into his chest
and curling into a natural sleep.
He gazed down at her, nearly undone by the trust she gave him.  Would it be so terrible,
sweet Cyn? he whispered.  To spend eternity at my side? But she was too far gone in sleep,
and Raphael didn't know if he wanted to hear her answer anyway.
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Chapter Thirty-eight
"Raphael. Cyn's dream-soaked whisper woke him from his own thoughts, reminding him of
the passing time. With a final, reluctant caress, he pulled away from her, tugging the comfort-
er up to her chin and tucking her beneath its warmth.
He bent to kiss Cyn good-bye, a quick brush of lips on her forehead that became a sensu-
ous exploration of her skin, her warm mouth. She purred hungrily in her sleep, full of desire
for him. He stood, gazing at her with regret before forcing himself to leave.
Downstairs in the garage, human guards had joined his vampires, and along with them a
human doctor who was a trusted member of his staff.
"I sent for Dr. Saephan, Duncan murmured at his side.  The guards will remain outside,
but I thought perhaps..."
Raphael tensed, fighting the urge to keep her to himself, to let no one touch her but him.
But the sun would rise. And he could not be there for her then. He closed his eyes, feeling the
first blush of heat against his skin.  Yes. Thank you, Duncan."
"She will be protected, my lord."
"She will be avenged, he said fiercely. Then, he gathered his vampires to him and disap-
peared into the fading darkness.
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Chapter Thirty-nine
Cynthia woke to a sharp pain in her arm, then a burning as a needle withdrew. Her eyes
opened and she rolled from the bed, grabbing the Glock from her bedside drawer as she
moved, crouching next to the table, the gun tracking ... a nice-looking guy in a white coat?
She scanned the room. She was where she expected to be, in her own condo, her own bed.
Looking down, she saw a faint trickle of blood and some bruising around her inner left arm.
She looked up at the man's startled face.
He held up an empty blood bag in one hand, plastic tubing trailing over to the needle in his
other.  Blood transfusion, he explained.  You lost a lot of blood."
"Who are you? Her voice came out grittier than she expected and she coughed self-
"Dr. Peter Saephan, at your service, he said with a pleasant smile.  It's a matter of quant-
ity for us humans, not just quality. He gestured with the blood bag.
"You work for Raphael? She relaxed marginally, realized she was naked and grabbed the
sheet from the bed, wrapping it around her body.
"I have that honor, Saephan acknowledged.  Are you hungry?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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