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 But as you say, you are not displeased by it. When no reply was forthcoming,
Third-of-Study continued.
 Assuming continues to expand their commitment, what will happen when the
Humans discover that being denied the membership in the Weave they are that is
automatically extended to all other civilizations?
 You assume they will want membership. given the depth of contradiction we
have observed thus far in their racial psyche that is not inevitable. They may
content be in the conflict to assist while remaining outside the pale of Weave
civilization. In such an instance I believe the Council would remonstrate with
them but not, I think, too strenuously.
 That, said Third-of-Study tersely,  suggests a deliberate attempt a
primitive people to delude.
 Do you as close friends and companions want them or are you fearful of them?
Which is it to be? With yourself you argue, Third-of-Study. I prescribe less
work and additional meditation. She rose, stretching. The prayer session was
at an end.
There was one individual at the base who wholly shared Third-of-Study s
concerns, though for different reasons. The two walked together down a
corridor the next day, each occasionally checking to make certain his
translator unit was functioning properly.
 They have decided, said Third-of-Study,  not to offer your people membership
in the Weave.
 Correct me if I m wrong, Will Dulac replied,  but does that mean they re not
going to expand their efforts here beyond this one base?  Truly that is so.
 Then if we re excluded from your civilization, the Amplitur shouldn t be able
to find us.
Third-of-Study rubbed at the bony ridge above his left eye.  We will of course
try to keep the location of your world secret from our enemies, but we do that
with every world. It is difficult from the Amplitur to hide things. Since
field troops have no inkling of your world s location give it away they
cannot. It is inevitable, however, that some of your own people will
eventually be captured and interrogated by the
Amplitur. At that time learn about you they will.  I thought you said they
couldn t read minds?
 They cannot. Howe ver, they might, for example, make the mental suggestion
that it would be useful for you your extremities to immerse in a caustic
solution. You would find your own body disobeying you.
Page 111
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
This they would do regretfully, with genuine sorrow, but would do nonetheless.
Few such episodes required are to convince a prisoner to cooperate. They
turned a bend in the corridor. A couple of
O o yan scurried past, glancing briefly at the towering Human.  You do have
general ignorance in your favor. Few of the individuals recruited thus far
display even the most rudimentary knowledge of astronomy and none whatsoever
of the mechanics in celestial navigation involved. Of your world s spatial
relationship to the Weave they know nothing. Even if any of them wanted to
they could not for the
Amplitur your world locate.
 How are your studies coming?
 General research proceeds normally.
 Not that. Your own studies. You, personally. I know you ve been saying to any
of your kind who would listen that we re too potentially destabilizing to be
The Hivistahm s teeth clicked together several times in rapid succession, a
sure sign he was startled.
 You are not supposed to know of such things. Will grinned.  I have more
freedom here than most of your colleagues and everyone s eager to talk to me.
It aids their research. I also have this. He tapped the translator hanging
from his neck and indicated the matching plug in his ear.  I listen, I hear
Third-of-Study craned his neck to regard the Human.  My theories do not you
 Shoo, we re on the same side, you bet. You think we re dangerous, I think
we re on our way to becoming harmless. You want us left alone, I badly want
you to leave. Maybe we can help each other out.
 I see. Third-of-Study relaxed.  How do you feel events will progress?
 According to what I ve been saying all along, natch. Your people don t know [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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